Stick-free Cooking
Sticking Cake Layers -- Cake layers sticking to the bottom of the pans? Put them back in a warm oven for a short time. The layers will then come out without a problem. Or, try lining the bottom of your pans with waxed paperSpray your tupperware with non-stick cooking spray before pouring in tomato-based sauces~no more stains!
To easily remove honey from a measuring spoon, first coat the spoon with nonstick cooking spray!
Transfer your jelly to a small plastic squeeze bottle~no more messy, sticky jars or knives! This also works well for homemade salad dressing!
Run your hands under cold water before pressing Rice Krispies treats in the pan~the marshmallow won't stick to your fingers!
If you don't have enough batter to fill all cupcake tins, pour 1 tablespoon of water into the unfilled spots...this helps preserve the life of your pans!
Dropping Cookie Dough -- To get cookie dough to drop without sticking dip the spoon in milk first.
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